Being harmed in an accident with a drunk driver is a terrifying experience. This time of year, more and more drivers will make the mistake of operating their motor vehicles while under the influence of alcohol. If you’ve been harmed in an accident by a drunk driver, you must read on and speak with our Chesterfield County auto accident lawyer to learn about drunk driving accidents in South Carolina and how we can help you in pursuit of your rightful compensation. Here are some of the questions you may have:
Do drunk driving accidents happen often in the United States?’
Unfortunately, yes they do. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, roughly one-third of all auto accident fatalities in the United States involve drunk drivers, which amounts to roughly 10,000 fatalities every single year. This is inexcusable, which is why our firm seeks to hold all drunk drivers accountable for their actions.
What should I do if I’m injured in an accident that was caused by a drunk driver?
If you were hurt in an accident caused by a drunk driver, you must swiftly take action to document the incident and ensure law enforcement arrives at the scene. This is why the first thing you should do is call the police. Law enforcement will arrive at the scene and provide you with any medical treatment you need, and if they believe the other driver is under the influence of alcohol, they will breathalyzer him or her, which we can use as evidence in your personal injury claim. Ensure that you collect witness contact information, the other driver’s insurance information, take pictures of damage caused by the accident, and retain the services of an experienced attorney.
What is South Carolina’s dram shop law?
Most states in the U.S. have dram shop laws in place, and South Carolina is no different. Essentially, South Carolina’s dram shop law states that if an injured plaintiff can prove that an establishment, such as a bar or restaurant, served someone alcohol who was either already visibly intoxicated or who they knew was underage and that person caused the accident, the plaintiff should be able to sue both the driver and the establishment that negligently served the driver. These claims are often complex and involve a criminal nature, which is why you shouldn’t proceed without a competent Chesterfield County personal injury lawyer from our firm. We can help you effectively navigate your case and fight for the compensation you deserve.
Our legal team has significant experience helping clients through a wide array of legal matters, including those involving criminal law, personal injury law, divorce & separation, and family law. For competent and trustworthy legal counsel, simply contact The Cockrell Law Firm, P.C. today to schedule your free initial consultation with our legal team.