Chesterfield County Theft Lawyer

Chesterfield County Theft Lawyer

The unfortunate reality is that many people are wrongfully accused of stealing all the time, and if you’re one of them, or you simply made a mistake, you need an experienced Chesterfield County theft lawyer on your side. Our firm is prepared to defend you at every turn. Contact the Cockrell Law Firm, P.C. today.

Chesterfield County Theft Lawyer | On Your Side

A theft crime can derail a person’s life for years, which is why if you are accused of stealing in South Carolina, you need a Chesterfield criminal defense lawyer who can fight your charges, every step of the way.

Penalties for Theft Crimes in South Carolina

The penalties you face for a theft crime depend on the dollar value of the item(s) allegedly stolen, as well as, in some cases, the type of item stolen. The consequences of the various theft crimes in South Carolina are as follows:

  • Petit Larceny: To be charged with petit larceny, a person must have stolen a dollar value of $2,000 or less. If convicted, that person may face a misdemeanor, which can entail up to 30 days in jail and a potential $1,000 fine.
  • Grand Larceny: To be charged with grand larceny, a person must have stolen a dollar value of $2,000 or more. If the total value of the goods/services was more than $2,000 but less than $10,000, the person will face a Class F felony, which can entail up to 5 years in prison or a potential fine. If the stolen property was valued at more than $10,000, the alleged offender will face up to 10 years in prison or a high fine.

You should also note that if you were accused of shoplifting, you may face additional civil penalties. For example, if you stole something from a store and the item was not recovered in sellable condition, you may owe the store owner up to $1,500, and an additional civil penalty.

Potential Defenses Against Theft Charges

Fortunately, with the help of an experienced Chesterfield County theft lawyer on your side, there are various potential defenses our firm can use to shield you from the consequences of theft charges. Some of the most common defenses for theft charges, depending on the circumstances of the allegations a person faces, are as follows:

  • The person did not realize they were stealing
  • The person had reason to believe they were entitled to the allegedly stolen property
  • There was a case of mistaken identity
  • The person intended to pay for the item

Contact a Chesterfield County Theft Lawyer

Whether you are being wrongfully accused of a theft crime or you simply made a mistake, our firm is here to fight your charges to help ensure you can go on living a free and productive life. Contact the Cockrell Law Firm, P.C. today to schedule your initial consultation with our competent legal team.

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